Via Ilio Barontini n. 15/B
Località Granatieri
50018 Scandicci (FI) ITALY
Tel. +39 055 720261
Fax +39 055 720228
Rivestimento di zinco con depositi particolarmente duttili anche per spessori superiori a 10 microns.
Ottima protezione alla corrosione.
Bagno galvanico a freddo.
Conforme alla specifica N12005-P26-2C.
Zinc coating with particularly ductile deposits also for thicknesses over 10 microns
Very good protection against corrosion. Cold galvanic bath.
In conformity with the ASTM-B 117 specification.
The thickening chromium process produces semi-bright chromium deposits, with a hardness of about 1050 HV100 with maximum deposits of 20 micron.
The decorative chromium plating process (nickel/chromium) is used for aesthetic parts in general.
Oxide layer with relatively thin thickness (max. 25 microns).
The protective power of oxide coating can be significantly increased through the electrolytic process of anode oxidation, best known as anodization, which basically consists in an artificial increase of the protective oxide layer thickness. The objects to treat must be complete with every mechanical machining and finishing prior to treatment, and the surfaces must be previously cleaned and properly prepared.
Then, the pieces are connected to the anode of an electrolytic cell containing a diluted solution of sulphuric acid. In this way, the surface of the aluminum detail is attacked, thus obtaining a significant increase of the oxide layer thickness and the ensuing increase of its effectiveness.
Therefore, with this type of treatment it is possible to obtain characteristics of isolation or resistance to wear. Moreover, as we operate in a water solution, the anode produces aluminum hydroxide, which is a very porous material with high absorption capacity; this can be used to impregnate the detail surface with coloring materials.
After dehydration, bonding, washing and drying, we have an oxide layer highly resistant to corrosion and highly adherent thanks to a very “irregular” surface of the surface oxide.
We can also pre-treat details with a process of electro-polishing.
Complying with standard MIL-A-8625 TP 2
SURTEC 650 è un processo esente da cromo VI, a base di cromo trivalente, specialmente sviluppato per il trattamento dell’alluminio prima della verniciatura. Questo processo fornisce al substrato un’eccellente protezione contro la corrosione e permette una forte adesione alla vernice. SURTEC 650 viene utilizzato per garantire un’ottima resistenza alla corrosione paragonabile a quella offerta dal cromo VI. Conforme alla direttiva Rohs.
Conforme alla specifica MIL-DTL-5541, MIL-C-5541.
IRIDITE NCP is a non-chromic surface that creates a protective coating on aluminum and its alloys.
Usually, treated aluminum has a colorless finishing; in some cases, we can obtain a slight blue or bronze iridescence depending on bath concentration, treatment time and treated alloy.
IRIDITE NCP provides a protective coating that can be used both as final finishing and as a base for final finishing or painting, with excellent resistance to corrosion and electrical conduction.
Complying with standard MIL-DTL-5541 TYPE 2
Passivation is a form of protection that prevents metal surface from being attacked by substances found in the atmosphere while keeping untouched the surface electrical conductivity.
As it keeps untouched the aluminum conductivity, passivation is widely used in the electronic and military industry, but it is also an excellent substrate for painting, providing chemical protection and a perfect adherence of the paint.
As with regard to resistance to saline fog, we can reach protection levels able to pass the Saline Acetic 100-hrs TEST for YELLOW CHROME-PLATING (ALODINE 1200).
Complying with standard MIL-DTL-5541 TYPE 1
Nickel plating merely decorative for thin deposits: much used in the optical field.
Shotgun grey color.
This treatment gives the surface of stainless steel details a shiny, polished, smooth appearance.
It is a treatment that considers both the products’ aesthetics and their total hygiene. Indeed, electro-polishing valorizes the stainless steel surfaces series 300 and 400 enhancing, with its shininess and brightness, the quality and the finishing of the products. Moreover, electro-polishing sanitizes the surfaces through an electro-chemical process that removes impurities.
Thanks to electro-polishing, the materials acquire a low roughness, while their resistance to corrosion and abrasion increases. In this way, keeping the hygiene of components, objects, and instruments is easier, reducing the formation of organic deposits and cutting down the risk of bacterial proliferation.
Indeed, the electro-polishing treatment is especially suited for all those elements that are constantly exposed to high risks of oxidation, such as in saline environments.
Stainless steel passivation is a chemical treatment basically indispensable.
Thanks to this process, indeed, the stainless steel is guaranteed an excellent surface protection, making it particularly resistant to corrosion, due to the action of water, air and other chemical substances.
The passivation treatment facilitates a natural process that requires the formation of a protective film on stainless steel, which prevents the progress of the metal normal oxidation, hence its corrosion.
Complying with standard QQ-P-35, ASTM 2700B
This SS burnishing is applicable in the optical and military fields as we as in the nuts and bolts sector in general.
It does not require oiling unless it is specifically requested by the drawing.
The blackening process of stainless steel accessories is required:
» for aesthetic reasons, when you wish to get a black coloring
» to increase resistance to corrosion.
Stainless steel burnishing is obtained in suited oxidizing solutions at 120/130°C temperature.
The thickness of the burnishing layer, formed essentially by oxides, is approximately 0.1 microns; therefore it does not affect the dimensions of the treated details.
Complying with standard MIL-DTL-13924
This is an operation to be specially carried out to obtain uniform matt or satiny surfaces.
For the micro-bead peening, glass microballs with grain: 40/70 microns – 100/200 microns – 200/300 microns are used according to the requirements and the use the finished product is destined for.
Aluminum dioxide is instead used for the micro-sand blasting.
It is used in the optical field to make surfaces dull.
In conformity with the ASTM-D-1214-58 specification and UNI 5394-72 code.
A basically decorative nickel coating with deposits easy to chrome.
This process is a great progress in the field of nickel plating.
We obtain shiny deposits that do not require further polishing or facing, with significant saving on material, labor and time; the pieces are already "finished" when they are extracted from the nickel-plating vat and, after washing, they can go directly to chrome plating.
Nickel-plating has many applications in all industry sectors: from domestic appliances to car industry, to the tool sector, the chemical-pharmaceutical industry, photographic industry, decorations and any production that requires protective but shiny coating.
Complying with standard QQ-N-290A
This is an operation to be specially carried out to obtain uniform matt or satiny surfaces.
For the micro-bead peening, glass microballs with grain: 40/70 microns – 100/200 microns – 200/300 microns are used according to the requirements and the use the finished product is destined for.
Aluminum dioxide is instead used for the micro-sand blasting.
It is used in the optical field to make surfaces dull.
In conformity with the ASTM-D-1214-58 specification and UNI 5394-72 code.