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Via Ilio Barontini n. 15/B
Località Granatieri
50018 Scandicci (FI) ITALY
Tel. +39 055 720261
Fax +39 055 720228


Partita I.V.A. e Codice Fiscale 01409570486 


This treatment gives the surface of stainless steel details a shiny, polished, smooth appearance.

It is a treatment that considers both the products’ aesthetics and their total hygiene. Indeed, electro-polishing valorizes the stainless steel surfaces series 300 and 400 enhancing, with its shininess and brightness, the quality and the finishing of the products. Moreover, electro-polishing sanitizes the surfaces through an electro-chemical process that removes impurities.

Thanks to electro-polishing, the materials acquire a low roughness, while their resistance to corrosion and abrasion increases. In this way, keeping the hygiene of components, objects, and instruments is easier, reducing the formation of organic deposits and cutting down the risk of bacterial proliferation.

Indeed, the electro-polishing treatment is especially suited for all those elements that are constantly exposed to high risks of oxidation, such as in saline environments.

Last modified on Monday, 02 January 2017 16:35